- 2 spaces (not tab) identations;
- use
! instead of
and and
- use
unless instead of
if !
- use
until instead of
while !
- use
dup instead of
- use
yield instead of Procs
- use
alias_method instead of
alias (
- in method calls, avoid parenthesis whenever possible.
1. before block:
meth(args) { code } instead of
meth args { code }
2. as param:
meth1 arg1, arg2, meth2(argX, argY, argZ) instead of
meth1 arg1, arg2, meth2 argX, argY, argZ
3. around expressions:
meth(a ? b : c) instead of
meth a ? b : c
4. before method chaining:
meth1(a).meth2 instead of
meth1 a.meth2
5. after super:
super(a, b, c) instead of
super a, b, c
- use symbols instead of strings whenever possible (in case of immutable strings), specially in hash keys. Use to_s when necessary
- in default parameteres, use
nil instead of
''. Example:
def fn astring = nil. Use to_s when necessary. Motivation:
if astring is better than
unless astring.empty?.
- within defs, duplicate arguments to avoid then be overwritten.
class X
def fn a
# uses a copy of a
a = a.dup
# modifies a with no worries
a = 'hihaha'
X.new.fn a
puts a #=> 'hihaha'
Stay tuned with precedences! They rules the exceptions.
- if you do the right way, you avoid unnecessary remarks to explain the exceptions.