1. If you have a block of the form
{ |v| v.mtd }:
ary.each { |v| v.mtd } # normal way
ary.each(&:mtd) # simpler way
# Example:
ary = %w(abc def ghi jkl)
ary.each(&:upcase!) # same as ary.each { |v| v.upcase! }
That works for other Array methods, like
More on it.
2. If you have a block of the form
{ |v| mtd v },
and the method
mtd does the same thing with all parameters:
ary.each { |v| mtd v } # normal way
mtd *ary # simpler way
# Example:
ary = %w(abc def ghi jkl)
puts *ary # same as ary.each { |v| puts v }
more on it.
(This same content was reproduced on
my Ruby blog.)