# Julius Conf File para uso com fala.php
# Sony Santos - http://gigawiki.com/sony/reconhecimento-de-fala
-lv 3000 # level threshold (0-32767)
-zc 150 # zero-cross threshold (times in sec.)
-headmargin 600 # head silence margin (msec)
-tailmargin 1000 # tail silence margin (msec)
-rejectshort 100 # reject shorter input (msec)
-realtime # force real-time processing
#-charconv utf-8 ansi
#### Acoustic HMM file ####
# Hmm model
-h ./LaPSAM1.5.am.bin
# triphone model needs HMMList that maps logical triphone to physical ones.
-hlist ./LaPSAM1.5.tiedlist
# Specify short pause model name to be treated as special
-spmodel "sp" # HMM model name
-force_ccd # enable context-dependency handling
#### Language Model ####
# binary LM
-d ./LaPSLM1.5.lm.bin
# Dictionary
-v ./dic.temp
# LM weights and word insertion penalties
-lmp 15.0 10.0
-lmp2 15.0 10.0
# Envelope beam width (number of hypothesis) - deixa o decoder bem mais lento !!
-b 2000
-b2 200
-sb 300
# The number of candidates Julius tries to find.
-n 10
-output 10
## (PTM/triphone) switch computation method of IWCD on 1st pass
-iwcd1 best 5 # assign average of N-best likelihood of the same context (original)
## Select Gaussian pruning algorithm
-gprune safe # safe pruning, accurate but slow
#### Search Parameters ####
#-s 500 # hypotheses stack size on 2nd pass (#hypo) (original comentado)
## For insertion of context-free short-term inter-word pauses between words
-iwsp # append a skippable sp model at all word ends
-input mic # direct microphone input
-zmeanframe # (default: strip off invalid segment (0 sequence etc.)
-zmean # enable DC offset removal (invalid for mfcfile input)
-smpFreq 22050 # sampling rate (Hz)